A message from the Club President – Feb 2013


Hi Westies,

BIG CONGRATS  to our Westies who all finished the Coast to Coast Ultra Adventure race in New Zealand last weekend. If you would like to know what they have been through check out Speight’s Coast to Coast  …. www.coasttocoast.co.nz/

Our C to C westie champs are Leigh Barrett (Enduro), Danni Roberts (Amazon), Steve Pemberton (Frank), Mark Gardner (Goose), Bec Watson (Smiley)…..Well Done !


NICE WORK  by Stacey Rawlings , Sara Mason, Cass Gaisford , Raine Gaisford , Dawn Preston, and Raine Gaisford who completed our FreshTrak 2013  “transition”  skills program last Saturday.



Step 1. Take a look at the below sizing chart, you can select race cut or club cut. Generally club cut is a loser fit, whereas the race cut is more tapered to the body. Women’s sizing available too.

Step 2. Decided if you want long sleeve or short sleeve. Note the fabric has a UV rating so a long sleeve shirt will give you extra protection from those UV rays.

Step 3. Email Amazon on: dannielle_roberts@hotmail.com. Let me know what size, long sleeve ($87) or short sleeve ($75) and how many you would like to order. 

Step 4. Wait for your new WECC shirt to arrive (3-4 weeks).



The Queensland Marathon cchampionships will be held at Emeral Lakes (Gold Coast) on Feb 23rd and 24th . At his point Jeff Stuart ( Sparky), Damian Lovejoy (Lizard), Leigh Barrett (Enduro), Mike Maguire (Twinkletoes), Danni Roberts (Amazon), Steve Pemberton (Frank), Flavio Rossini (Stallion) are confirmed staters and are in the final stage of their preparation .  Good Luck from your “river” buddies.

Stallion is our State team co-ordinatior:  flavio.rosano@me.com (0458 469044)




Over the next few weeks days will get shorter and hours of daylight will reduce quickly through till June. For members who paddle early morning or late afternoon this means get your light out and on. Minimum requirements are for a white flashing light however supporting this with a port (red) starboard (green) magnetic fix combo light is advisable and massively increases your visibility and direction  identification to other river traffic ($80 approx. at Whitworths Marine, Woolloongabba). Lizard, Sparky and Maestro can show anyone interested.


A reminder that the club shirts or a competent Fluoro jacket is compulsory when paddling from West End Canoe Club. If you choose an alternative, be sure it has genuine FLUORO effectiveness not simply coloured.


Stay safe by being aware of your position and speed and follow the “rules of the River” guidelines published on our website and introduced to all new members on arrival at the club by Glen Wiffen (Tippy) through our welcome pack and Kerry (Maestro) through the FreshTrak and FasTrak skill and knowledge program.




Big thanks to all who were able to assist with our removal and relocation of boats because of the recent flodd square. The fact that we were able to mobilize 20 plus members and helpers with 1 hours notice is a great tributte our club’s friendships and commitment.


A clean up, audit, re-label and reposition of our craft during the process was done at the time. We now have 2 storage spaces (top right rack) available.




Don’t forget to check your club website and Facebook for “heaps” of relevant club info. The Qld and Australian Canoeing websites are also invaluable sources of information to make your paddling a more enjoyable experience .


Best Wishes and Happy Paddling !


Kerry Holmes (Maestro)


President West End Canoe Club